Restorative Justice Community Meetings NCJTRC (RJCM100-clone)

Are you lacking a strong relationship with your community?

Do you lack the skills to efficiently run a community meeting?

Your answer is here!

  • Introduction:
  • Pre-Test
  • Running an Effective Community Meeting
  • Topics to address at meetings:
  • DPD (Dallas Police Department) Example
  • Two approaches to community organizing
  • Developing the first steps of action:
  • Action Plan Steps
  • Community Meetings
  • Community Action
  • Officer-Community Meetings
  • Message
  • Neighborhood Court Programs
  • Multicultural Implications
  • Multicultural Implications: Communication
  • Community Parternships
  • Community Partnerships
  • Statistics
  • Summary
  • Post-Test:
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever